NetAgent A
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* This webpage is to control the power outlet On/Off individually or simultaneously over 8 devices through NetSwitch. Click on the individual power input icon to either switch on / off the device.
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¼³Á¤°ª º¯°æ ¼±Åà To choose NetSwitch item.
½Äº° This column displays the outlet name, outlet control type (instant shutdown; safe shutdown ; safe reboot) and current status (ON or OFF) of 8 outlets.
To configure outlet control type: Configuration ¡í Modem Port ¡í NetSwitch Setting;
3 control types:
1. Instant Shutdown
2. Safe Shutdown
3. Safe Reboot
This outlet is on, click on it to switch off.
This outlet is off, click on it to switch on.
Click on it to switch off all the outlet.
Click on it to switch on all the outlet.