NetAgent A
  • Дата/Время
  • Язык
  • SysLog Setting
  • Save/Restore
Системное время
Системное время (ГГГГ/ММ/ДД ЧЧ:ММ:СС) This section is to set NetAgent system time manually. Set this in the format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Время между автоматическими обновлениями This section is to set an interval for time synchronization.
Сервер времени Choose the nearest "Time Server" to your NetAgent location. The Administrator can choose from the list of a maximum of 30 Time Servers.
Временная зона (по отношению к GMT) This section is to set a different time zone for different countries.
Использование экономии дневного света This section is to set whether to use Daylight Saving Time.
Автоматическая перезагрузка системы каждые (0: не проводить) Use this setting to auto restart the system at a predetermined interval. The default value is set to “0” (disabled). Enter between, 1 to 9999 Minute (i.e., between 1 minute or 166.65 hour) or 1 to 9999 Hour (1 hour to 416.6 days).
Ручная перезагрузка системы через 30 секунд Use this feature to manually restart the system NetAgent restart in about 30 seconds.
Язык интерфейса
NetAgent will automatically presents the web GUI in the language that correspond to the OS system.
Настройки email
Tick it to apply the language preference to emails sent and SMS receipt.
This is to configure the parameter of the SysLog server. Please refer to the appropriate SysLog server setting.
Click "Save" to save the configuration to your PC. The text file will have a default format of YYYY_MMDD_####.cfg. Administrator permission required. Use this function to restore a *.cfg configuration that has been saved earlier. Click "Browse…" to the location of the file and click "Restore".
* For A series, you can choose encrypted or unencrypted settings files to download, encrypted settings files CANNOT be loaded on other devices, and unencrypted settings files CAN be loaded on the same type of device.