NetAgent A
  • SSL Information
  • RADIUS Server Settings
  • LDAP Server
Management Protocol
This section is to enable HTTP/HTTP proxy or HTTPS/HTTPS proxy funciton and to set port.
User Name This section is to set a user name for NetAgent web pages. It is valid for up to 8 users. Users have to input the user name to get access to NetAgent web pages from a web browser.
Password This section is to set a password for NetAgent web pages. Users have to input the password to get access to NetAgent web pages from a browser.
Permission This section is to set users' authorizations of Read, or Read/Write.
IP Filter This section is to set a particular IP address. Users can only gain access to NetAgent web pages if they come from this IP address. If you want to manage NetAgent from any IP address, you can set it as *.*.*.*
Auto LogOff after idle for _ minute(s) (0: Disable) When user login to the webpage, if idle for X minute which configured, it will log out automatically.
Please refer to "HTTP/HTTPS" tab for the settings.
Please refer to "HTTP/HTTPS" tab for the settings.
HTTPS Protocol
This section is to enable HTTPS Protocol.
SSL Information
SSL Public Key This is to upload the SSL public key.
Public Key Length This section is to show the length of uploaded Pubilc Key.
SSL Certificate This is to upload the SSL public key.
Issued To This section is to show the information of uploaded Pubilc Key.
Issued By This section is to show the information of uploaded Pubilc Key.
Valid From This section is to show the information of uploaded Pubilc Key.
Valid Until This section is to show the information of uploaded Pubilc Key.
* This is to configure the parameter of the radius server. Please refer to the appropriate radius server setting.
RADIUS Server Address To configure the RADIUS server's IP Address.
Authentication Port To configure the UDP port to use.
Shared key The password to connect with RADIUS Server.
Connection TimeOut The timeout for completion of RADIUS's request.
Connection Retry To configure the number of retries to login.
This is to configure the parameter of the LDAP server. Please refer to the appropriate LDAP server setting.