NetAgent A
  • Configuración de correo
  • Mail para log de eventos
  • Mail para reporte Diario
Servidor de correo This section is to set NetAgent Email Server.
Puerto Del Email This is to set mail server port for mail sending.
Permite SSL en Transmision Email This is to enable SSL on email transmission.
Dirección de correo del remitente This section is to set NetAgent’s Email address.
Servidor de correo requiere autentificación This section is to set whether the Email Server requires authentication.
Nombre de cuenta This section is to set an Email account name when the email server requires authentication.
Contraseña This section is to set a password when the email server requires authentication.
Sending test mail This is to send a test email when configuration completes.
This section is to set NetAgent to send warning Email when an event occurs. It is valid for up to 8 Email addresses.
* This section is to set Email Addresses to receive Daily Report email sent by NetAgent when an event occurs. It is valid for up to 4 Email addresses.
Enviar reporte diario por correo ( This section is to set a particular time for NetAgent to send Daily Report every day.