NetAgent A
  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • Ethernet
  • DNS dinámico
  • PPPoE
Dirección IP
Dirección IP This section is to set NetAgent IP address.
Submáscara de Red This section is to set NetAgent Subnet Mask.
Puerta de Enlace This section is to set NetAgent Gateway.
Obtener una dirección de IP This section is to choose to set NetAgent IP address manually or via DHCP.
* The above 4 sections can be set in Netility as well. NetAgent will reboot after any of the above are changed.
IP Servidor DNS
IP Servidor DNS Primario This section is to set NetAgent primary DNS Server IP address.
IP Servidor DNS Secundario This section is to set NetAgent secondary DNS Server IP address. NetAgent will use the secondary DNS Server IP address when the Primary DNS Server IP address is not working.
Please refer to "IPv4" tab for the settings.
Tipo de Conexión This section is to set communication speed between NetAgent and Network. NetAgent will reboot after Connection Type is changed.
Detiene la comunicación con el UPS cuando la red se desconecta This section is to set if stop UPS communication when NetAgent disconnects with Ethernet.
Modbus on TCP Device ID This section is to set Modbus on TCP Device ID.
* This is a free service that allows the user to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname.
Proveedor de Servicio NetAgent can be configured to register with any of the Dynamic DNS providers.
In general, to register a Domain Name;
a. Go to the DDNS provider website listed.
b. Register a new user account and password with the DDNS provider.
c. Choose a Domain Name to point to your current Dynamic IP
d. Enter information obtained in (b) and (c) into NetAgent DDNS fields
Nombre de dominio This is the Domain Name you have created from the above selected DDNS provider.
Nombre de usuario This is the Login / Account name that you have created with the selected DDNS provider.
Contraseña Enter the Password you have assigned to your DDNS Account.
Utilice el servidor STUN externo para obtener direcciones IP Publicas para registrarse Choose Yes to ensure that NetAgent uses the WAN / Public IP to update the selected DDNS server.
* Use this option to allow NetAgent to connect to the Internet directly using your xDSL modem. Once set-up, NetAgent will connect directly to the Internet without going through a router. The LCD will display the current WAN / Public IP instead of the LAN IP Address.
System will reboot if any configuration applies.
Cuando debe hacerse la conexión This is to set if use PPPoE to connect with NetAgent UPS.
Deshabilitado -- Default setting.
Conectar siempre -- NetAgent will automatically dial up and maintain continuous connection.
Nombre de usuario Enter the login name assigned by your ISP.
Contraseña Enter the password assigned by your ISP.