NetAgent A
  • Propiedades del SAI
  • Test Log
  • Advertencia de Valor Límite
* This page is to set the UPS configuration. Any wrong settings will cause incorrect display values or disconnection between the UPS and NetAgent.
Tipo de Comunicación del SAI This section is to set up the communication interface of the UPS. (eg. Contact Closure/RS232/3 phase etc.) Please refer to the UPS manual to set the correct communication type. Any wrong settings will cause disconnection between the UPS and NetAgent.
Número de Baterías,
Tensión de Batería Cargada (V),
Tensión de Batería Descargada (V)
Please refer to the UPS manual to set the value.
Fecha de último cambio de baterías (mm/dd/yyyy) This section is to record the date when the UPS battery was last replaced.
Test UPS
Test UPS every This section is to schedule the UPS to test once a week or once every two weeks or not to test.
Prueba del SAI en un día de la semana This section is to set the UPS to test on a particular day of a week.
Horario de prueba del SAI (hh:mm) This section is to set the UPS to test at a certain time on the test day.
Tipo de prueba de UPS This section is to select the type of self test to perform.
Registros del SEI
Bitácora de Datos del SEI This section is to set how often the UPS data should be logged.
Tiempo límite de pérdida de conexión This section is to set a period of time after which NetAgent will send a disconnection warning message. This warning message will be sent after NetAgent has lost contact with the UPS for the time specified.
Carga max. tolerable del SAI (%) This section is to set the UPS critical loading. (shown as %) NetAgent will send a warning message when the UPS is overloaded.
Temperatura max. tolerable del SAI (°C) This section is to set the UPS critical internal temperature. NetAgent will send warning messages when the UPS overheats.
Capacidad Crítica del SAI (%) This section is to set the UPS critical battery capacity (shown as % )NetAgent will send warning messages when UPS low battery occurs.