NetAgent A
  • NetAgent WeChat
  • WeChat for Event Log
  • Corporation WeChat Settings
Test WeChat To test "UPS Alarm", please enter your Phone number and click "Test WeChat" button.
* If you are using this function for the first time, please scan the QR code in the next column to add "UPS Alarm"
QR Code for "UPS Alarm". This section is to show the QR code for "UPS Alarm". It can be the built-in QR code of our company's Corporation WeChat, or Corporation WeChat QR code added by user in the "Corporation WeChat Settings" tab.
This section is to set NetAgent to send warning WeChat Message when an event occurs. It is valid for up to 8 WeChat accounts.
This section is the relevant settings of the user's own Corporation WeChat, which is used to send UPS warning WeChat.
For related setting instructions, please refer to the official website of Corporation WeChat.